The New Cactus and Reed Show with Lindsay Lohan is an entertainment themed talk show based in New York City. Its hosts are Nesting Doll Willis Reed, the fabled center for the New York Knicks, and the Lindsay Lohan Mug.
Originally broadcast from the 9th Floor parlor at 787 7th Avenue, the Cactus and Reed Show began as a politically oriented roundtable discussion, with Cactus dispensing its more conservative viewpoint and Reed opining on the liberal side of the issues. Highly respected, the Cactus and Reed show went on to win 3 consecutive “Parly” awards from December 2005 through February 2006.
In March 2006, the Cactus and Reed Show moved to its new studios at 855 6th Avenue, and began a successful run until Cactus fell ill and sadly passed on. However, despite critical acclaim, the Cactus and Reed show had been hemorrhaging viewers and was plummeting in the ratings. Market research showed that many viewers were put off by Cactus’ thorny personality and prickly nature. Willis, on the other hand, was beloved by all. So, after Cactus’ untimely death, the producers decided to change the show’s direction, replaced cactus with the Lindsay Lohan Mug and moved the show to its current pop culture format.
Despite the format change, the show has never been more popular. It enjoys both critical acclaim and popular success.
Labels: show related