Live from the Coliseum in ancient Rome, it's the Cactus and Reed Show, with Italian funny man Roberto Benigni, assorted seasonal vegetables, Monica Bellucci, Mario Andretti, and Isabella Rosellini, and her genuine leather Italian paparazzi.
The Cactus and Reed Show ushered in fall today with an assortment of seasonal vegetables, mini-corn, squash, and pumpkins to adorn the set. Roberto Benigni also stopped by for a chat. Best known for his heartbreaking film, Life is Beautiful, and his antics at the Oscars that year, Benigni discussed his next project, a film loosely translated as "Tiger in the Snow." The show did end on a sad note as Benigni continued with his famous tradition of hugging everyone. Reed was pleased with the human contact, but Benigni impaled himself on Cactus and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital.
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